

Adventist Mission Scholarship in Education

What Is The Adventist Mission Scholarship in Education?

The Adventist Mission Scholarship in Education is a $3,000 per year, or $1,000 per quarter, scholarship for students who declare their sincere intent to become a preschool, elementary, or secondary teacher, and who actively pursue an early childhood degree or teaching credential program while enrolled at Pacific Union College.

The scholarship is available to incoming freshman and transfer students, to PUC students who decide on a teaching career sometime after their freshman year, and to post-baccalaureate candidates entering the non-degree 5th year credential program or the Masters of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree program. It is renewable on a yearly basis as long as recipients continue to meet the conditions of the scholarship. It is applied directly to the recipients tuition account on a quarterly basis unless the scholarship is withdrawn by the Education Department.

How Do I Obtain the Scholarship?

  • Declare an Early Childhood Education degree or plans to earn an elementary or secondary teaching credential by submitting an Adventist Mission Scholarship in Education Application. The application is available online at www.举办的.edu/campus-services/student-finance/举办的-scholarships or in the Education Department Credential Office.
  • Incoming freshman or transfer students should submit the scholarship application to the PUC Enrollment Services at the time of first application to PUC.
  • Students already enrolled at PUC who decide to become a teacher after a year or two in school should submit their application to the Education Department Credential Office.
  • Non-degree 5th year program and Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) degree candidates should submit their application the Education Department Credential Office at the time of program application.
  • Recipients will begin to receive the scholarship the quarter following submission of the scholarship application and approval by the Education Department and Student Finance Office.

Adventist Mission Scholarship Application - Eduction

How Do I Maintain The Scholarship Once It Is Awarded?

In order to maintain the scholarship, recipients must meet specific conditions on a year-to-year basis. The scholarship may be withdrawn at the discretion of the department if the recipient fails to meet these conditions.

Other Scholarships

Doris Smith-Howlett and Soletha Miriam Smith-Howlett Scholarship
Junior or senior office administration or elementary education majors with financial need are aided by this fund.

Dr. 埃德蒙·C. Jaeger Scholarship Grant
This grant is for male students who are recommended by the education department, are in need of financial aid, have a humanitarian interest, are honest and helpful, and are going into the field of teaching.

拉尔夫 & Fern Prout Teaching Scholarship
Honoring a former teacher, this $500 scholarship helps provide tuition assistance to recommended education students.

查尔斯 & Miriam Utt Scholarship
This scholarship is for an education student with financial need who is recognized for their commitment to education.

Flora Venero de Chambi Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship honors a junior education student with a dedication to teaching elementary or high school.